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The most common client questions


Having an aesthetic treatment should be a thoughtful decision, and if you’ve never had one before you may not even know where to start. If that’s you, knowing the answers to my most common client questions just might give you the encouragement to know you’re not alone and the confidence to take that next step.

What’s the difference between Botox and dermal fillers?

Am I going to look silly if I get a treatment?

This is always one of the first questions I get in consultations, and I understand why. When we’re constantly bombarded with images of celebrities sporting overdone fillers and dramatic enhancements, we start to believe those are normal results of aesthetic treatments. But the truth is, the unnatural looks we see in Hollywood are often intentional choices, and certainly not typical. When done responsibly and conservatively, aesthetic treatments enhance your natural beauty, providing a refreshed and youthful look. That’s why it’s so important to have an open and thorough consultation with your aesthetic provider. Not only do you need to make sure he or she is educated in the products and how to administer them, but you also need to feel assured that he or she understands the goal and look you’re trying to achieve.

How much pain are we talking about?

Let’s be honest, syringes are the tools of the trade when it comes to aesthetic treatments. However, like many things in life, the hype in our heads is usually worse than the reality. Unless you’re hypersensitive to pain, there is truly minimal discomfort during a Botox treatment. There’s not even any downtime afterwards. For dermal fillers, a topical numbing cream can be applied to minimize discomfort. And, of course, good injection technique, regardless of the type of treatment, can make all the difference in the world – another reason to trust an experienced and reputable provider. I also find that the more my clients understand, the more at ease they feel throughout the treatment, which is why I spend ample time discussing the process and science behind treatments during our consultation.

How much product is this going to take?

Without knowing the science behind how aesthetic treatments work, it’s natural that most clients picture a big syringe of product being injected into their face to simply fill the flat spaces or crevices underneath their skin. But the term “dermal filler” can be a bit of a misnomer because the product is doing more to lift and create projection than filling empty space – and a small amount of product can go a long way to accomplish this.

To help you visualize just how small we’re talking, picture a teaspoon in your kitchen drawer, and what it looks like filled to the top with water. Now, image just 1/5 of that teaspoon, and that’s how much product is in one syringe.

1/5 tsp equals 1 syringe of product

If you’re considering an aesthetic treatment for the first time, whether it’s Botox or dermal fillers, don’t be intimidated to schedule a consultation and ask all the questions on your mind. Understanding the treatment, having the right expectations, and trusting your provider are crucial to a positive experience and loving your results.